Koki Muraoka
**K. Muraoka**
Lattice oxygen insertion mechanism in CeO2 catalyzed reactions in water: nitrile hydration reaction
Spontaneous-Spin-Polarized 2D π-d Conjugated Frameworks towards Enhanced Oxygen Evolution Kinetics
On-the-Fly Kinetic Monte Carlo Simulations with Neural Network Potentials for Surface Diffusion and Reaction
High-pressure phase and pressure-induced phase transition of Ag3YCl6
Direct microwave energy input on a single cation for outstanding selective catalysis
DeePMD-kit v2: A software package for Deep Potential models
Density Functional Theory Study of Deoxydehydration Reaction by TiO2-Supported Monomeric and Dimeric Molybdenum Oxide Catalysts
Materials informatics-guided superior electrocatalyst: A case of pyrolysis-free single-atom coordinated with N-graphene nanomesh
Multi-Objective De Novo Molecular Design of Organic Structure-Directing Agents for Zeolites Using Nature-Inspired Ant Colony Optimization
International Symposium on Porous Materials 2019
Linking synthesis and structure descriptors from a large collection of synthetic records of zeolite materials
Bridging the Gap between Structurally Distinct 2D Lamellar Zeolitic Precursors through a 3D Germanosilicate Intermediate
Crucial Factors on Seed-Directed Synthesis of CON-type Aluminoborosilicate Zeolites using Tetraethylammonium
Tracking Rearrangement of Atomic Configurations During the Conversion from FAU Zeolite to CHA Zeolite
Designed Synthesis of Zeolite by the Integrated Experimental Chemistry, Computational Chemistry and Data Science Approach
The 19th International Zeolite Conference
The 19th International Zeolite Conference
ZMPC 2018 – International Symposium on Zeolites and Microporous Crystals
ZMPC 2018 – International Symposium on Zeolites and Microporous Crystals
Crystallization of a Novel Germanosilicate ECNU-16 Provides Insights into the Space-Filling Effect on Zeolite Crystal Symmetry
Resolving the Framework Position Organic Structure-Directing Agents in Hierarchical Zeolites via Polarized Stimulated Raman Scattering
Directing Aluminum Atoms into Energetically Favorable Tetrahedral Sites in a Zeolite Framework by Using Organic Structure‐Directing Agents
The 2017 AIChE annual meeting
The 2017 AIChE annual meeting
Gordon Research Conference / Gordon Research Seminar – Nanoporous Materials and Their Applications
Factors Governing the Formation of Hierarchically and Sequentially Intergrown MFI Zeolites by Using Simple Diquaternary Ammonium Structure-Directing Agents
The 2016 AIChE annual meeting
The 2016 AIChE annual meeting
Energy Analysis of Aluminosilicate Zeolites with Comprehensive Ranges of Framework Topologies, Chemical Compositions, and Aluminum Distributions
3rd Euro-Asia Zeolite Conference
The 2015 AIChE annual meeting
Organic structure-directing agent-free synthesis of NES-type zeolites using EU-1 seed crystals
Highly nanoporous silicas with pore apertures near the boundary between micro- and mesopores through an orthogonal self-assembly approach
2nd Euro-Asia Zeolite Conference
The 2014 AIChE annual meeting
38th BZA Annual Meeting
6th International FEZA Conference
Mesoporous Architectures with Highly Crystallized Frameworks